Song History
At the 1860 Republican convention in Chicago, Abraham Lincoln won his party's nomination for president of the United States. In 19th century America, hardly a presidential candidate won an election without having his name linked to liberty in a song. Jesse Hutchinson, Jr., of New Hampshire's famous Hutchinson Family Singers, wrote the lyrics to "Lincoln and Liberty" and set them to the tune of "Rosin the Bow," (aka “Old Rosin the Beau”) an Irish melody that is one of the most parodied in folk music.
The Hutchinson Family Singers traveled the country singing anti-slavery and pro-Union songs, frequently at Lincoln's campaign appearances, and later, in the White House. "Lincoln and Liberty" became Lincoln's official campaign song in 1860 and was published in the book The Hutchinson's Republican Songster , which was used at rallies everywhere.
Hurrah for the choice of the nation
Our chieftain so brave and so true
We'll go for the great reformation
For Lincoln and liberty, too
We'll go for the son of Kentucky
The hero of Hoosierdom through
The pride of the Suckers, so lucky
For Lincoln and liberty, too
They'll find what by felling and mauling
Our rail-maker statesman can do
For the people are everywhere calling
For Lincoln and liberty, too
Then up with the banner so glorious
The star-spangled red, white and blue
We'll fight 'til our banner's victorious
For Lincoln and liberty, too
Our David's good sling is unerring
The Slavocrat's giant he slew
Then shout for the freedom preferring
For Lincoln and liberty, too
We'll go for the son of Kentucky
The hero of Hoosierdom through
The pride of the Suckers, so lucky
For Lincoln and liberty, too